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The Zoran's Fated (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides) Page 7

  He’s unarmed now. I could run my dagger through his back, get it over with quickly, painlessly…


  I could never do that. Attack an unarmed man from behind… that’s not me.

  “Have you seen your brother?”

  “No,” I answer. “Have you tried the mines?”

  I don’t believe father has ever gone down there. He considers it beneath him.

  “If you do see him, tell him to come to the main square, tonight, when the sun passes over the mountains. The Elders have an important announcement to make, one that will change the very course of New Exon.”

  My interest is definitely piqued now. Does it have to do with the humans? There’s so much I want to ask, to know, but I can’t risk him realizing I know too much already.

  I have to bottle my curiosity up inside. For now.

  All will become clear tonight.

  “I will pass on the message.”


  My father nods curtly, and then storms off. I briefly consider following him, but the need to return to Lilith wins out. I take a roundabout path towards my secret hideout, tracking back multiple times to throw off any would-be pursuers. Only when I’m certain I’m not being followed do I approach the hidden cave…

  …yet Lilith is nowhere to be found.


  I hope Daruk can forgive me. I wonder if he’s the forgiving type. There’s so much we still have to learn about one another. We skipped a whole bunch of dates and went straight to the soul-mates step…

  It’s a good step, don’t get me wrong. It’s a great one. My favorite one. Best step I’ve ever taken.

  However, I have to admit I don’t know him inside out. I look forward to getting to know him. To learning what’s his favorite food. His favorite piece of music. How good of a dancer he is. What his vows sound like…

  If we both survive this whole ordeal, that is.

  I’m afraid I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. There might not be vows, there might not be a wedding ceremony, there might not be a happy ever after… not if I get caught.

  The jungle is hot and humid, and insects are buzzing all around me as I make my way through the thick foliage. Daruk said the ship was two clicks to the south, so I ought to be heading in the right direction… however, if the sun rises on a different direction of this alien planet than the east, I might just be walking the wrong direction…

  But I have to do something. I don’t care if I’m being foolish — I want to do my part. Daruk has saved my life, time for me to repay my debt by saving his little brother.

  I stumble onto a clearing, the HF Destiny, or what remains of it, clearly visible in the distance. The once grey ship is now charred black, a ruined husk of its former glory.

  My heart sinks. What if the med-bay was destroyed in the attack as well? What if I’m taking all of this risk for nothing?

  I scan the clearing, looking for anything that moves… but it’s quiet. Awfully quiet.

  Even the insects seemed to have stopped buzzing.

  I contemplate turning back, but I didn’t come all this way just to run back now. I wanted to be a hero… so act like one.

  With a final deep breath and balled fists I charge into the clearing, running towards the ship as fast as I can. I half-expect Zorans to ambush me, to see movement among the trees, laser rifles to come out of the foliage and knock the wind out of me… but nothing happens.

  I reach the charred ship without being attacked. I run up the ramp, into the metallic interior with my heart racing and my palms sweaty. I gasp for air, big gulps of it filling my lungs.

  Okay, I made it. That was step one.

  Now to find the med-bay.

  The ship is at once familiar and alien. The hallway is the same as I remember it, everything where it belongs, yet at the same time, everything is different.

  Blast holes in the wall. Strange footprints on the ground. Chairs knocked over, some tables flipped.

  Yet the strangest thing of all, the one thing that unsettles me the most… is the silence.

  The HF Destiny was a hub of activity. There were always soldiers around, eager to have a chat. Or there would be Peanut, following me around wherever I went. And even if I was alone, there would still be the distant hum of the engine, a constant reminder that we were traveling through space at blistering speeds.

  Now, there is only silence, like the spirit of the ship itself has died. It’s unsettling. It makes my skin crawl, and the pit in my stomach fills with regret.

  Why did I come here again?

  Why did I want to be the hero?

  My cautious walk turns into a sprint. The sooner I’m out of here, the better. I burst through the doors of the med-bay, and I’m relieved to find it still mostly intact. I rummage through the cabinets and my heart jumps with joy when I find a medi-tool in mint condition.

  This tool will be able to diagnose Yano and, if I’m lucky, treat whatever is ailing him.

  Now, I’m getting the hell out of here.


  Lilith is gone.

  There are two options: Either someone found her and took her from me, or she snuck out on her own accord.

  I don’t know which option I’d prefer.

  If someone took her, we’re in deep, deep trouble… but I don’t like the thought of her blatantly ignoring my warnings either.

  I sniff around, tracking her scent. Just when I found a lock, there is rustling in the bushes. I only manage to pull my dagger out just in time before a Zoran warrior bursts forth — but it’s only Yano.

  He starts rattling instantly. “There’s going to be an announcement tonight, the entire tribe is being called up, do you think it has to with the human…” His voice trails off when he sees my balled fists. “What’s wrong?”

  “Lilith is gone,” I growl, my anger barely contained. “We need to find her. Now.”

  “Shit,” Yano says. “Do you know where she is?”

  “I’m fairly sure she’s headed for the human vessel, if she’s not there already. If you approach from the west, I’ll take the east route. We’ll meet at the ship.”

  “Got it.”

  Moments later we’re both rushing through the jungle, my heart racing, the heavy feeling in my stomach growing with every passing second.

  Lilith… you fool. Stay out of trouble.

  I’m not sure I can live without you.


  Only when I’m back in the relative safety of the jungle does my heart stop racing. The abandoned ship was so scary my skin still crawls. I take a few deep breaths, forcing myself to relax.

  As much as I can relax, knowing danger lurks around every tree.

  You got this, Lilith. You’ve been through worse. All you need to do now is track back to the cave. Just go north.

  Sounds easy. In theory.

  However, in the heart of the jungle, there are no landmarks. All trees look alike. All the bushes look alike. Through the thick foliage, I can barely see the sun, so orientating myself is hard.

  Fuck. Am I lost?

  My heart sinks as I realize I ran away so quickly from the ghostly ship that I didn’t take enough time to think about where I was going. All I was focused on was getting the hell away from there.

  Now, I’m all sorts of screwed.

  The bushes to my left rustle suddenly. I raise the medi-tool like a gun, just as someone, or something, bursts forth out of the darkness.

  “I have a gun!” I lie.

  My attacker is much too quick for me. Before my eyes have even interpreted the golden blur in front of me, he’s disarmed me, wrestling the tool from my grasp.

  My emotions go up and down like a rollercoaster when I realize I know this man. Daruk?

  “Be quiet,” the man whispers.

  I now realize it’s his younger brother, Yano!

  “Oh my god,” I sigh deeply. “You scared the hell out of me!”

  “Good,” he says as he hands the medi-tool back
to me. “You are right to be afraid. I’ve never seen my brother more furious.”

  “Well… he’ll get over it.”

  I hope.

  Yano smirks. “You certainly share my brother’s disdain for authority. You two are made for each other.”

  “You think?”

  “A blind man could see that. Now, what the hell are you doing out here, besides trying to get yourself killed?”

  “I was looking for this,” I say, showing off the tool. “And thank god I found it, so my fool’s errand wasn’t so foolish after all.”

  “What does it do?”

  “Cure you,” I say as I activate the tool and aim it at Yano’s golden chest. The device lights up, information rattling on the small screen in an instant.

  The Zoran backs away, shielding his chest with his hands. “What are you doing?!” he growls.

  “Calm down, let the tool work. Please.”

  I grab his hands and lower them, placing the tool right against his skin. He frowns at me, but lets me do my thing. When he’s angry, he’s looks even more like his big brother.

  The device beeps.

  “See, it’s like I thought. You have a tumor in your lungs.”

  “A tumor?!”

  “Yes. Luckily, this tool can help you. Stay still.”

  “The light from the device… it tingles.”

  “That’s because it’s working its magic. You were very ill, but thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you’ll be feeling a lot better soon.”

  I can’t stop smiling. The risk, the danger, it was all worth it. Yano was even more sick than I feared, and untreated, it would have certainly killed him… but for the Federation, treating it is elementary.

  I can’t believe his own people wouldn’t let him seek treatment. That makes me steam with anger. It’s downright criminal!

  “What do we have here?”

  The icy cold voice makes my smile disappear instantly. I turn around slowly to find another Zoran looking down at us. His skin as gold as Yano and Daruk’s… but that’s where the comparison stops.

  A jet-black armor adorns his frame, and his light-blue eyes are frosty.

  “Father,” Yano breathes, his voice shaky.


  Chapter Ten


  Lilith’s scream can be heard from a mile away. It cuts right through me, filling me with anguish. Tearing my damn heart apart.

  I run towards the source as fast as I can, throwing all caution in the wind. Branches cut against my arms, scraping my skin, wildlife scatters away, while my heart races faster than I thought possible.

  I pray with my entire being it was an insect that scared her. Something innocuous. Screaming about it would be foolish, yes, but anything would be better than seeing…


  “Look who shows up just in time,” he says coldly. “I have captured an interloper. You must be proud of your father.”

  Father is holding Lilith up by the scruff of her neck. She’s hanging in the air, helpless, looking absolutely brokenhearted.

  Yano is standing to the side, frozen to the spot.

  My hand slides towards my dagger. I wish it wouldn’t have to come to this. I wish I could make him see the error of his ways, show him that humans are our natural allies, our friends… and sometimes, even more than that.



  For life.

  The bond Lilith and I share is nothing but magical. No one in their right mind could ever object to that. Only bigotry, xenophobia, only blind hatred could stand in the way of that.

  As diluted, as misguided as he is, General Goran is still my father. He is still an accomplished, some say legendary, warrior.

  Yet if he stands in the way between me and my mate…

  My choice is easy.

  I choose my mate every single time.

  Yano sees my wrist moving slowly, and my brother’s eyes plead for me to stop. I know what he fears. Our father is undefeated in battle. Yano is in a tough spot — he either loses a father or a brother.

  A choice no one should have to make.

  But, he doesn’t know Lilith like I do. He hasn’t experienced the passion, the ecstasy, the happiness that can only come from finding your soulmate, the one you are meant to be with.

  The one that completes you in ways you didn’t think possible.

  Hopefully, one day Yano will find his mate. Until that day… I pray he’ll forgive me for what I’m about to do.

  The bushes rustle, and several Zoran hunters burst forth. My heart drops. Defeating father alone, in hand-to-hand combat, would require all of my skills. My complete concentration.

  Now, I’m outnumbered. It’s hopeless.

  A suicide mission.

  “General Goran! We heard a scream,” one of the hunters says.

  “Yes,” father answers. “I have captured an alien invader. Using forbidden tools on my son, no less.”

  He holds up a strange, metallic tool with his free hand. That must be whatever Lilith headed into the jungle for.

  “I will take her to the Elders,” he continues. “She will face a trial. Tonight.”

  He turns around and walks away, still carrying my mate. I pull out my dagger, but Yano jumps in front of me, stopping me from attacking our father.

  “Stop it,” he hisses. “It’s over!”

  “No!” I growl. “Let me at him!”

  “Stop it, you idiot, you’ll get all three of us killed!”

  I drop down to my knees.


  I can barely stop the flow of tears streaming down my face. I have failed my mate. My life has lost its meaning.


  I struggle, I kick, I punch, but it’s no use.

  The more I struggle, the more my abductor seems to enjoy it. I can’t believe that this man is Daruk’s and Yano’s father.

  How can two kind spirits be born from such an evil man? They share his golden skin, his blue eyes… but unlike his sons, there is no warmth in this man’s eyes.

  His icy stare makes my blood run cold.

  “You’re going to pay for what you did,” he hisses as he carries me through the jungle. Zoran warriors flank us on either side.

  A moment ago, Daruk looked like he was going to attack his own father. He looked like a predator that was about to jump on his prey — but then more warriors showed up, and I saw the hope in his eyes snuffed out.

  The crushed look in his eyes hurt me more than this cruel man ever could. This is my fault.

  I let myself get captured.

  I risked everything.

  I did treat Yano, so at least, it hasn’t all been for nothing… I saved his life. So, my death will have meaning. It was worth it.

  Yet, that thought doesn’t feel comforting.

  At all.

  In fact, I’m terrified.

  I’m just a delivery girl. I watch TV. I sleep in. How did I go from my carefree life to being abducted by an alien barbarian? To being ‘put on trial’, whatever that means?


  “You won’t get away with this,” I say. “They’ll come to save me, you know! The Federation.”

  “That’s the plan,” he grins. “But you won’t be alive to see that, trust me.”


  “Unless the admiral takes a liking to you,” he says. “But he has enough breeders now. No, we will make an example out of you. Show the people what we do to uppity humans who break our rules.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat.

  I don’t like the sound of that.


  I have never felt lower. The trial is moments away, but I can’t find the energy to get up and move my legs. All my hopes and dreams have been shattered in a single moment.

  To watch my people, my fellow Zorans, all jeer at my mate, to call for her head… I don’t think I can take that. I won’t be able to handle it.

  I’ll go feral.

  I’ll die for my

  It’s a strange sensation; I’m filled with both a fiery, burning rage that can’t be snuffed out, and dread so strong it’s completely debilitating at the same time.


  I look up. Yano is standing on front of me, holding out his hand.

  “You want to be there.”

  I scowl, glancing away.

  “And be confronted with my failure? To watch father twist the knife even more?”

  “You know you need to be there.”

  I sigh. Yano’s right. Of course he’s right. My little brother is wiser than I ever give him credit for. If everyone listened to him, instead of that Admiral Bast, we’d all be in a better place.

  I rise to my feet. They are heavy, as if filled with lead, but I make my way towards the village regardless. A crowd has congregated on the main square, an electric buzz in the air.

  Everyone falls silent when the figures of the Elders become visible. They walk out of their cave, their thin, frail, elderly bodies wrapped in robes. Leading them are General Goran, Admiral Bast, and my very own mate, Lilith. She is wearing chains around her neck, her arms and feet.

  She’s dressed like a slave.

  Admiral Bast, our leader, takes center stage.

  “Welcome,” he says. “I’m glad all of you have come. This is a momentous day. We are gathered here to witness a trial. The first trial of New Exon. Justice will be served. A new precedent will be set.”

  The crowd cheers. I can’t believe I once followed this man. That I once believed in his form of justice. Lilith has opened my eyes to the lies I’ve been told.

  My hands ball into fists, and Yano grabs my wrist.

  “Stay calm,” he whispers. “They might see reason.”

  “Do you really believe that?” I bite.

  From the pitying look in my brother’s eyes, I know that he does not.

  In the centre of the square, the admiral turns back to my mate.

  “Human, you stand accused of the crime of trespassing on our land, and of using forbidden technology. How do you plead?”

  “You’re insane,” Lilith spits. “You’re all insane!”

  Father grabs the chain that’s attached to my mate’s neck and pulls hard. She falls to her knees, and my heart jumps. I can’t bear to watch. I have to do something, but plunging a dagger into the admiral’s neck will do nothing but get us both killed.