Vukan (Scifi Alien Romance) (Galactic Mates) Read online

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  I’m used to surviving in the wilderness. When you’re alone out there, there is no rescue. There is no warm bed to return to. No safety net. You’re on your own. Even if you radio for help, it can be more than a week away, depending on how inhospitable the area you’re in is.

  I thrive under pressure like that.

  Price seems to crumble under it.

  “You!” I say, pointing at one of the crew members. “Is the ship-wide com system still working?”

  “Err, y-yes,” he stammers.

  “Good. Tell the crew we have a ship incoming, and tell them to hold their fire.”

  This seems to awaken Price from his stupor. “Are you insane?” he grunts. “A-and who put you in command?”

  “You, when you fell asleep at the wheel there,” I answer.

  Price sits up straight, pushing his shoulders back.

  “I’m the commander of this ship,” he says, glaring around the room. “Now, give me back my blaster.”

  “Then bloody act like it,” I say. “And no.” I tuck the weapon into my waistband. “You said it yourself. All our weapons and shields are down. If we welcome this landing party with guns blazing, who says they won’t just blow us to tiny bits? I’m going to try and reason with them. And if they won’t listen, well…” I pat the blaster. “We can solve it the old-fashioned way.”

  Price looks at me with a mixture of amazement and bewilderment. He scrapes his throat and seems like he’s ready to rebuff me, but then he slinks back down into his chair.

  “You’re a strange one, Booth,” he mutters under his breath.

  “And don’t you forget it,” I answer.

  Time to meet our alien invaders.



  Taking down their systems was easy. Human technology is no match for Zoran engineering. Their ship is now motionless, defenseless. An easy prey.

  Against Teodor’s wishes, I diverted our cruiser towards the human vessel, instead of returning to the ZMC Bran. A ship full of humans is no match for me, or any of my squad members. Their puny weapons can barely penetrate my armor. I’m quicker, faster, stronger.

  It’s almost unfair how much better we are.

  “How many humans are on board?” I ask my second-in-command via my helmet

  “Several hundred males, according to our scanners” Teodor responds. “And one female.”

  “Hm, a female? Interesting,” I say. “Some sort of concubine perhaps?”

  “Most likely. Humans are not known for their impulse control.”

  I double-check my rifle. My squad is standing at the ready, their brows furrowed, their eyes focused. I have no intention of slaughtering every last human on that ship, but definitely will if I’m provoked.

  “Docking in three, two, one…” Rufus counts down.

  I raise my rifle.

  The door slides open with a hiss. The docking bay is filled to the brim with armed humans, their guns pointed at me, their eyes big with fear.

  A few cluster grenades would make short work of all of them.

  “Take me to your leader,” I growl.

  The humans look at each other before parting, a path opening up through the throng of bodies.

  I lower my rifle and move through the ship. I can smell the human’s fear, even through my helmet. It’s like a foul stench that lingers in the air. I’m certain they won’t fire at me — they lack the courage that marks all great warrior races.

  A trembling human guides me to their command center. I memorize the layout of the ship as we go, in case I have to fight my way back. Just a precaution. Rufus is walking by my side, while the rest of the squad remains on our cruiser, guarding it.

  I’m led into an oval room, where, to my utter surprise, I see the human female, a blaster strapped to her hips.

  Her blonde hair is unruly, messy, in a devil-may-care sort of way. It doesn’t distract from her beauty, but adds to it. It frames her beautiful face. Her eyes, two big, sapphire gemstones, are staring right at me. There is no fear, no submission in her gaze. She is challenging me, as if we are equals.

  A preposterous proposition.

  Her clothes are different from the soldiers. The human marines are wearing navy-blue uniforms, while she is decked out in camo gear, as if she’s ready to disappear into the wild. However, her outfit can’t hide her curves.

  It’s clear from a single glance that this is a woman of courage, who wields power. Is this their leader?

  Unheard of!

  I expected to find the lone female shackled to the wall in some basement, taking care of the crew’s more baser needs. The last thing I expected was to find her calling the shots.

  Her penetrating gaze is fixed on me, her eyes narrowed, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. Her hands are resting on her hips, but I see the tips of her fingers moving slightly, ready to draw and place a shot right between my eyes if need be.

  This is the only human I’ve met who seems ready to fight.

  She doesn’t smell like fear. She smells like something else entirely.

  I pop off my helmet so I can use my senses better. Her eyes widen just a touch when our eyes meet, and her scent hits me like a wave.

  It’s nearly indescribable. It reminds me of my childhood home, of climbing through the forests and finding my own way home. It reminds me of the soil; of nature itself.

  Mixed with a hint of arousal.

  Her nostrils flare and her eyes narrow as she glares at me.

  “Zorans,” she says. “I should have known.”

  “Are you their leader?”

  The room is silent for a moment, before I hear a sniveling coming from my right.

  “N-n-no, I-I am,” a tiny human, cowering in his seat says.

  I’ve never seen a sorrier excuse for a leader.

  “Impossible,” I grunt, turning my attention back to the female. “Don’t play games with me, human.”

  “What do you want?” the female asks.

  “I’m here to ask you the same thing,” I reply. “What is your business in this sector?”

  “I asked you first,” she says coolly.

  I can’t help but smirk. No one’s ever dared to speak back to me like this. Only my king comes close, and even then, he only does so in private. Yet this puny, earthly woman talks to with conviction and determination.

  “Do you know who you’re speaking to?” Rufus growls. “Want me to make an example out of her?”

  He takes a step forward and the human female instantly raises her blaster, pointing it right between his eyes.

  “Take one more step and it’ll be your last, Zoran,” she says.


  I grab his shoulder. “Calm down,” I say. “I have no intention of turning this ship into a bloodbath.”

  “Then why did you come here?” the female asks. “Why did you disable our systems, trap us here like rats?”

  The female amuses and intrigues me. I intended to intimidate the humans and scare them off, but surprisingly enough, I’m enjoying this conversation.

  And I want to continue it.

  “Lower your weapon,” I say. “And we can talk. In private.”

  She slowly lowers her blaster. “I’m fine right here.”

  “No, I say decisively. “You will accompany me to my ship.”

  “Not a chance.”

  “D-do as he says, Olivia,” the cowering human male says.

  Olivia. The female has a name.

  Her blue eyes shoot fire in the man’s direction.

  “Oh, now you want me to take the lead?!” she says. “You’re unbelievable!”

  “It’s settled then,” I say. I take a step forward, and she instantly recoils, as if I’m some dangerous predator. I extend my hand towards her. “Come.”

  Her strong eyes are now filled with a hint of fear, a sight familiar to me, but it feels… slightly wrong, in those deep blue eyes of her. As if I’ve made a mistake of some kind.

  It only lasts a moment. Then she pushe
s her shoulders back and takes a deep breath.

  “I don’t even know your name,” she says.

  “I am General Vukan,” I growl. “Of the ZMC Bran.”

  “Do you promise you won’t hurt me?”

  “Of course. What do you take me for, some wild animal?”

  The look in her eyes says yes.

  “You’ll be returned unharmed,” I say. “If I find your answers to be satisfactory.”

  She grabs my hand. Her touch is electric — it sends a current running right through every fiber of my body. My skin prickles, from my scalp all the way down to my cock.

  I’m going to enjoy questioning her.



  I must be losing my damn mind.

  I’m letting myself be abducted by aliens. Willingly. Sort of.

  Did I learn nothing from Cindy’s tale? Those Zoran soldiers that picked her up were nothing but trouble…

  I mean, sure, yeah, she did seem rather happy to be living with that Dusan now. After all, he saved her life… but that’s just one single Zoran.

  The blue-bodied general that is sitting next to me is in no way similar to that gentle warrior. This man has eyes of steel. He’s hard. Determined.


  Not the type for an interstellar, interspecies romance.

  The Zoran shuttle rumbles as we fly towards their mothership. My heart is beating in my throat, my stomach in knots, but I’m trying not to show it.

  I’m trying to be strong. I’ve faced danger before.

  But a squad of seven-foot-tall, broad-shouldered alien warriors doesn’t really compare to having to fix a broken water pump.

  Through a small window I can see the human ship getting smaller and smaller. Price was all too happy to hand me over. He practically put a bow on me. The mere sight of the Zorans terrified him; he folded under the slightest bit of pressure.

  Not that I can really blame him… but that’s not what a leader ought to do.

  Speaking of leaders… the blue general actually thinks I am the leader of the ship! How amazing is that? I’ve never led a group of scouts, let alone a military vessel… but apparently I can glare like the best of them.

  He’s sitting next to me. Vukan. His knee is touching mine, his arms folded over his broad chest. My heart is beating so loud I’m sure everyone can hear it.

  The shuttle docks onto the Zoran mothership and the doors open. I’m truly in the lion’s den now.

  The Zorans all take off their space suits, and I have to stop myself from gasping when I see how they look like underneath it.

  They’re all wearing obsidian uniforms that hug their well-trained physiques perfectly, as if it was poured onto their godly frames.

  “Follow me,” Vukan says.

  The moment I step out of the shuttle, countless Zoran soldiers all stare at me. It feels like they’re undressing me with their eyes. Vukan leads me down a long and dark corridor, away from the warriors.

  “In here.”

  He opens a metal door for me. I enter only to find myself standing in a dimly lit room, a single lightbulb hanging above an uncomfortable looking metal chair.

  “What is this?” I ask.

  “The interrogation room.”

  Vukan stands in the doorway, his arms folded over his chest. He’s so tall and broad he totally blocks the exit.

  “Interrogation?” I repeat. “We were to have a private discussion!”

  The blue general enters the room and slams the metal door behind him shut, the bang echoing down the hall.

  “Trust me, we are completely alone down here.”

  His words, spoken so calmly, send a shiver down my spine.


  I place my hands on my sides.

  “You broke your word,” I say.

  “I did not. Sit.”

  “So, it’s true what they say.”

  “What do they say?”

  “That Zorans are untrustworthy,” I say, my eyes locked onto him. “That they are savage beasts. That they lack all control.”

  I can’t help but antagonize the growly general. Simply following orders would be the safest option, but that’s not me. I follow orders from no man, and especially not from an arrogant Zoran.

  Following orders is what got my father killed.

  Vukan takes a step towards me, but this time I don’t recoil, even though he towers over me. I stare up at him, my eyes shooting fire. He won’t break me.

  He places his forehead against mine, his eyes, the lightest blue, staring right back at me. I can feel his warm breath on my skin. His lips are only an inch from mine.

  “Be careful, human,” he growls, his voice low and commanding. “Or I’ll show you what a lack of control looks like.”

  “And what’s that?”

  Me and my big mouth.

  A second later his firm hand strikes my behind. It’s only a light tap — a warning.

  But it still sends a wave of heat throughout my entire body. My cheeks burn red and despite myself, I can feel my panties become damp.

  I can’t believe the Zoran warrior just spanked me.

  “Let’s begin,” he says, grabbing my shoulders and forcibly pushing me down into the chair. He sits down across from me, behind a large, metal table that’s welded to the floor. He places his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his hands.

  “Tell me who you are and why you’re here.”

  “Or else?”

  “Or else there will be more where that came from.”

  I cross my arms over my chest. Partly to instill some confidence in myself, and partly to hide my nipples, which are as hard as diamonds. I glance at the door, but that thing is shut tight. I’m not getting out of here until Vukan wills it.

  So why do I continue to antagonize the tall, broody alien?

  I take a deep breath. Alright, Olivia. Focus. The most important thing right now is not feeling his strong, skilled hands on your body again.

  The most important thing is getting out of here. Alive.

  “I am Olivia Booth,” I say. “I am a scientist.”

  “A scientist?” he says, raising his eyebrows. “Scientists lead the human military now?”

  Do I keep up this charade of being a gruff military leader? It’s tempting… but also exhausting. I’m not a gifted liar, but I am in a cold, dark cell with a powerful alien warlord. Time to be straight with him.

  “I’m not the captain. That guy you completely dismissed was.”

  His blue eyes flicker. “Impossible.”

  “I know, right?” I mutter under my breath.

  “You were the only human who showed any strength,” he says, sounding surprised. “I thought for sure you were in charge…”

  He leans back in his chair, with a look in his eyes as if he had to re-evaluate everything that has happened so far.

  I feel a little proud that this general thought me badass enough to lead a military vessel — even though that show of attitude got me locked up in here with him!

  “So,” he continues. “Why did you assume control, then? Why did you show such composure?”

  I shrug. “Someone had to. When your shields are down, someone needs to step up… and Price certainly wasn’t going to do it. I didn’t plan it. It just happened.”

  “Remarkable. But still, a scientist? And a female one?” he muses. “What is your field?”

  “Alien wildlife.”

  “And is that why you’re here?”


  His eyes narrow once again. “Answer the question, Olivia.”

  “I prefer Professor Booth, actually.”

  The corners of his mouth move up ever so slightly.

  “You are a strange one… professor.”

  “Yeah,” I say. “I get that a lot.”

  “I didn’t know humans could be so sassy.”

  He rises from his seat. It’s easy to forget just how damn tall and imposing he is when he’s sitting across from me. He
walks around the table and sits down on it, right in front of me, leaning forward. He towers over me, his hand resting on his thighs.

  “Unfortunately, I have no use for sass. I need answers.”

  His voice is a low growl that makes my stomach flutter, his blue eyes filled with fire.

  I can think of another few needs I have…



  Olivia looks up at me. She bites her bottom lip, and my cock grows another inch.

  I’m supposed to be interrogating this human, but instead, all I can think about is making her mine. I’ve never met anyone like her. She is bold, brave and cheeky.

  And begging for a good spanking.

  “What do you want me to say?” she breathes.

  I’m seated on the table in front of the human female, which means that she’s right between my legs. If I weren’t wearing my armor, it would all be so easy.

  All she would have to do is lean forward and take me into her mouth like an obedient mate would.

  However, Olivia is anything but obedient.


  I’ll have to train her. Break her. Mold her. Make her see my greatness. Make her accept her position.

  “Tell me why you’re here,” I repeat.

  “And what if I don’t?”

  Her eyebrows rise up, a faint smile on her lips. The female is testing me.

  I will not be toyed with.

  I reach out and place my hand on her cheek. Her skin is warm and soft.

  Fuck, I want to feel the rest of her.

  Olivia closes her eyes and whimpers softly as my thumb strokes her cheek. My fingers are itching to grab her by her throat and rip her clothes right off, but I resist the urge.

  For now.

  “If you won’t obey,” I growl, “you’ll have to pay the price.”

  My thumb brushes against her bottom lip. Fuck, it would look great with my Zoran manhood resting against it.

  “And what’s the price?” she asks, looking up at me with those big, blue eyes of hers. As she speaks her tongue brushes against my thumb — I’m not sure whether it’s on purpose or by accident, but either way it has the effect of making my cock as hard as damn rock.


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